Social Reforms of America: Early to Mid 19th Century

What is the education reform?

A series of reforms in the education system in 19th century America led to some drastic changes in the style of teaching. Reformers encouraged an interactive and free-flowing classroom. Education became free and mandatory for all citizens (white, male citizens) in order to nurture a generation of civic minded citizens.

Why is it important to learn about the education reform?

Most of how we characterize schools today were results of the education reform in 19th century. Before this period of time, grade levels didn't exist. Schools were a luxury since public schools didn't exist. Today, no matter how impoverished a child is, he still attends school until at least high school. Back then, a poor child attending even just kindergarten was unheard of.

What was education like before the 19th century in America?

Apprenticeships defined education. The wealthy minority sent their children to private schools, and poor children attended charity schools run by religious groups. However, since demand was high and resources were always in demand, the qualities of charity schools are very low.

How was education democratized during this period of time?

Children from all social classes sat side by side in classrooms, learning from the same curricula. This meant equal opportunity for every child, and the poor and the rich have equal chance of being a lawyer or a doctor. Thus, family background had less effect on a child's success. Mann stated that, “Education…is the great equalizer of the conditions of men, the balance-wheel of the social machinery."